
By the end of the course drivers will be able to:
Drivers Hours
- Demonstrate greater awareness and understanding of Domestic Rules, EU rules and their employer’s policy
- Demonstrate improved awareness and understanding of WTD
Highway Code
- Explain the hierarchy of road users and changes to Highway Code designed to protect vulnerable road users
Safe loading and bridge strikes
-       Explain the importance of properly secured loads and forces acting upon the load during normal and emergency driving situations.
-       Explain the responsibilities of both the employer and the driver.
-       Explain the importance and necessity of of using the appropriate restraints for the load and what constitutes a load.
-       Explain the consequences to other road users of an insecure load.
-       Explain the enforcement and penalties for insecure loads.
-       Explain why bridge strikes happen and how this is linked to both loads and vehicle height.
Driver health and wellbeing
-       Understand safe manual handling practices.
-       Explain the impact of stress on our personal health and wellbeing and the recorded impact on road safety, e.g. aggression; deterioration in driving performance.
-       Explain the personal impact of unhealthy lifestyle.
-       Identify how stress impacts personal driving performance.
-       Identify positive benefits of a good diet balanced with exercise.
-       Understand where and how to seek help with their employer.

Subject Areas

  • Health, Safety & Emergencies
  • Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
  • Loading/Unloading
  • Personal Health & Wellbeing
  • Physical/Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Vulnerable Road Users