
1) To be able to list the mandatory documentation required for their working day
2) To be competent to carry out walkaround checks to DVSA standards
3) To be able to demonstrate how to accurately complete a defect report
4) To understand what the DVSA requires from a driver and what to expect from a DVSA encounter
5) To understand how to keep LGV entitlements current
6) To understand the responsibilities of the transport operator
7) To understand a driver's legal obligations in the event of a road traffic accident

Subject Areas

  • Health, Safety & Emergencies
  • Legislation (Hours/WTD/Regs)
  • Legislation for Carriage of Goods
  • Professional Driver & Company Issues

Course Dates

25/05/2024 at 08:00
public course
143 princesway north, team valley, gateshead, ne11 0tu
01/06/2024 at 07:00
barrington industrial estate, stephenson way, newcastle, ne22 7dl